The Fitzrovia Forum

8 Oct 2024


Time: 14:00 – 17:00

G01, Euston Road (222)



Anthony Quas

Universal gaps between Lyapunov exponents in noisy cocycles

Consider a sequence of d×dd\times d matrices (An)(A_n), and write AnϵA_n^\epsilon for An+ϵNnA_n + \epsilon N_n where NnN_n are independent Gaussian matrices. We study the products Aϵ(n)=AnϵA1ϵ{A^\epsilon}^{(n)}=A^\epsilon_n\cdots A^\epsilon_1, and consider gaps between the Lyapunov exponents. We show that there exist strictly positive functions fd(ϵ)f_d(\epsilon) with the property that for any choice of (An)(A_n), and for any ϵ\epsilon, the gaps are at least fd(ϵ)f_d(\epsilon).


Richard Sharp

An abelian Livsic theorem for amenable covers

Consider a transitive Anosov flow generated by a vector field XX. A famous theorem of Livsic says that if a Hölder continuous function ff integrates to zero around every periodic orbit of a hyperbolic flow then the function is a dynamical coboundary, i.e. f=LXuf = L_Xu, where LXL_X is the Lie derivative. More recently, A. Gogolev and F. Rodriguez Hertz established an “abelian Livsic theorem”: if the flow is homologically full and ff integrates to zero around all null-homologous periodic orbits then f=LXu+ω(X)f = L_Xu + \omega(X), where ω\omega is some closed 11-form. We will discuss a new proof of this result, based on thermodynamic formalism, and give an extension to amenable covers.




Reem Yassawi

An application of Veech’s structure theorem to automorphism groups

Veech’s structure theorem is a generalisation of Furstenberg’s structure theorem for distal systems. It tells us that a minimal system with a residual set of distal points has an almost automorphic extension which is an inverse limit of almost isometric extensions. We use Veech’s theorem to give an improved description of the automorphism group for some systems with a nontrivial equicontinuous factor. This is joint work with Clemens Müllner.

Schedule and other details to appear


Please let me know if you are interested in attending.

Terry Soo

Fitzrovia mural
Goodge Street Station