Exercise 1 Use the alternating renewal theorem to show that under mild conditions, we have that the probability that the number of arrrival in the interval \([0,t]\) is even goes to \(1/2\) as \(t \to \infty\). Why do we need mild conditions? Why do we need \(t \to \infty\).


Exercise 2 Consider a \(M(3)/M(5)/1\) queue. Let \(t=323\), so the queue has had a chance to settle in.

Solution. First, we produce code that checks the number of items in the system at time \(t\). We make modfication to our previous code on queues.
num <-function(t){
  inter = rexp(1,3)
  arr = inter

  while(t > arr[length(arr)]){
    inter <-c(inter, rexp(1,3))
    arr <- cumsum(inter)
  L = length(inter)
  service = rexp(L, 5)
 output <- arr[1] + service[1]
for (i in 1:(L-1) ) {
if (arr[i+1] < output[i]){output <- c(output, output[i] + service[i+1])}
if (arr[i+1] > output[i]){output <- c(output, arr[i+1] + service[i+1])}

output <- output[-L]

n=sum(output >t)

## [1] 0
x = replicate(1000, num(323))
b = seq(-1,max(x)+1, by=1)
hist(x, prob=TRUE, breaks=b)

Checking your favorite discrete distributions, you might guess that this is geometric (the version that allows \(0\)), with parameter \((1- 3/5)\). A preliminary test shows:

p= 1-3/5

mean(x) - (  (1-p)/p )
## [1] 0.102
var(x) -  (  (1-p)/p^2 )
## [1] 0.4357818
testt= c(sum(x==0)/1000 - dgeom(0,p),sum(x==1)/1000 - dgeom(1,p)
         ,sum(x==2)/1000 - dgeom(2,p),sum(x==3)/1000 - dgeom(3,p),
sum(x==4)/1000 - dgeom(4,p))

## [1] -0.00400 -0.02400  0.00900  0.00760 -0.00384

We modify our code to give inter-arrival times from the departure times. We will take \(500\) arrivals after the arrival just arriving after after \(t\), and consider the interideparture of these arrivals. It may come as a surprise, that new inter-arrivals are exponenital with rate \(3\), which is what we started with.

newinter <- function(t){
  inter = rexp(1,3)
  arr = inter

  while(t > arr[length(arr)]){
    inter <-c(inter, rexp(1,3))
    arr <- cumsum(inter)
  L = length(inter)
  inter <- c(inter, rexp(500, 3) )
  arr = cumsum(inter)
   service = rexp((500+L), 5)
 output <- arr[1] + service[1]
for (i in 1:(L+499) ) {
if (arr[i+1] < output[i]){output <- c(output, output[i] + service[i+1])}
if (arr[i+1] > output[i]){output <- c(output, arr[i+1] + service[i+1])}

times =  output[L] - output[L-1]
for (i in 0:499){
  times <- c(times, output[L+1+i] - output[L+i] )
hist(newinter(222), prob=TRUE, breaks=30)
curve(dexp(x,3), add=TRUE)

Exercise 3 (Little’s law) There are many simple exercises on can do with Little’s law. See here