
Plagiarism and collusion

Please familarize yourself with the following excerpt on plagiarism and collusion from the student handbook

By ticking the submission declaration box in Moodle you are agreeing to the following declaration:

Declaration: We are aware of the UCL Statistical Science Department’s regulations on plagiarism for assessed coursework. We have read the guidelines in the student handbook and understand what constitutes plagiarism. We hereby affirm that the work we are submitting for this in-course assessment is entirely our own.

Anonymous Marking

Please do not write your names anywhere on the submission. Please include only your student numbers as the proxy identifier.

1.) It’s your birthday. [10 points]

You might recall a proof that when there are only twenty-three people in a room, then with probability almost \(1/2\), the room contains two people with the same birthday, under the assumptions that there are \(365\) days in a year, and birthdays throughout the year are equally distributed, and the birthdays of the occupants of the room are independent.

Under these similar assumptions, let \(p(n)\) be the probability that in a room of \(n\) people that there are three people people that share the same birthday. By running simulations:

2.) Pretending \(\pi\) has random digits and data processing. [10 points]

3.) Using \(\pi\) for continuous-time Markov chains. [20 points]

Consider the continuous-time Markov chain \(X\) with three state \(\{1,2,3\}\) with \(Q\) matrix given by

Q <- matrix(c(-5,2,3, 2,-3,1, 2,6,-8), nrow =3)
Q = t(Q)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]   -5    2    3
## [2,]    2   -3    1
## [3,]    2    6   -8

In your coding, you may need a mechanism to keep track of which bits of the randomness from \(\pi\) have already been used; in order to facilitate this, you may need a function to be able to change the value of a variable that exists globally outside definitions of functions; the following example illustrates how to accomplish this:

counterr =0

example <- function(t){
counterr <<- counterr +1


## [1] 6
## [1] 15
## [1] 2

4.) Response time in M/M/1 queue. [10 points]

Consider a \(M(\lambda) / M(\mu) /1\) queue, where \(\lambda < \mu\) and the queue is started at stationarity so that the number of items in the system at any time \(t\), has the same distribution. Consider an arrival at some time \(t\).

5.) Queues in series. [10 points]

Suppose that customers arrive at a queue with independent exponential service times of rate \(2\), and when they depart, they enter another queue also with independent exponential service times, but at rate \(5\). Assume that the customers enter the first queue arrive as a Poisson process of rate \(1\). Let \(Q_1(t)\) and \(Q_2(t)\) be the number of customers in the respective queues at time \(t\). Verify by simulations that the stationary distribution for \((Q_1, Q_2)\) is given by a product of geometric distributions.

6.) Estimating the transition matrix for a Markov chain. [10 points]

Let \(X\) be an irreducible and aperiodic matrix on a finite number of states \(S\). For each \(a, s \in S\), let

\[N_{as}^n = \sum_{i=0} ^n \mathbf{1}[X_i=a, X_{i+1} =s].\]

\[T_{n} = \frac{N_{ab} ^n}{ \sum_{s \in S} N_{as}^n }\] gives a sequence of consistent estimators for \(p_{ab}\). [5 points]

Version: 07 December 2020