A little more on \(M(\lambda)/M(\mu)/1\)

  • \(Q(t)\) the number of items in the system at time \(t\)

  • \(\rho = \lambda/\mu\) is the traffic intensity

  • \(Q\) is a continuous-time Markov chain, with generator \(G\) given by \[G(n, n-1) = \mu \text{ for all $n \geq 1$} \] and \[G(n, n+1) = \lambda \text{ for all $n \geq 0$ }\]

Theorem: stationary distribution

If \(\rho <1\), then as \(t \to \infty\) \[ \mathbb{P}(Q(t) = n) \to (1- \rho)\rho^n = \pi_n,\] were \(\pi\) is the stationary distribution.

  • Solving \(\pi G = \mathbf{0}\), we obtain for \(n \geq 1\)

\[ \begin{eqnarray*} 0 &=&(\pi G)_n \\ &=& \pi_{n-1}G(n-1,n) + \pi_{n+1}G(n+1,n )+ \pi_nG(n,n) \end{eqnarray*} \]


\[ 0=(\pi G)_0 = \pi_1 G(1, 0) + \pi_0 G(0,0)\]


  • Thus

\[ \pi_{n+1} = \pi_n(\rho +1) - \pi_{n-1} \rho\] and

\[ \pi_1= \rho \pi_0\]

  • It is easy to see that

\[ \pi_n = \rho^n \pi_0.\]

  • Summing over all \(n\), using the fact that \(\pi\) is probability measure, we obtain \[ \pi_0 = 1- \rho\]

Burke’s theorem

  • Theorem: The departures \(D(t)\) of a stationary \(M(\lambda)/M(\mu)/1\) queue are a Poisson process of rate \(\lambda\). Furthermore, \(Q(t)\) is independent of the \((D(s), s \leq t)\).

  • We sketch a proof using reversibility. See Reich’s proof of Burke’s theorem

  • It is easy to check that \(Q\) is reversible; see Exercise 4.

  • Given \(T>0\), the process \(R(t)= Q(T-t)\) has the same law as \((Q(s), s\leq T)\).

  • The process \(R\) adds an arrival at time \(t\), when \(Q\) has a departure at time \(T-t\).


  • The arrivals of \(R\) and \(Q\) are both Poisson

  • The time-reversal of a Poisson is again a Poisson.

  • Thus the departure process is also Poisson.

  • \(Q(0)\) is independent from the arrivals in \([0, T]\)

  • Reversing time, \(Q(T)\) is independent from the departures in \([0, T]\).

Two M/M/1 queues in series

  • It is a general question, given a item has to pass through two queues in series, one after another, which order should the queues to placed in?

  • This is in general a hard question

  • However, using Burke’s theorem, we can show the order does not matter in the case of two M/M/1 queues in equilibrium.

Theorem Suppose items enter a \(M(\lambda)/M(\mu_1)/1\) queue, then upon exiting report to another queues with exponential service rate \(\mu_2\). If \(\lambda < \min(\mu_1, \mu_2)\), then the continuous-time Markov chain \((Q_1, Q_2)\) has stationary distribution given by

\[(m,n) \mapsto \rho_1^m(1-\rho_1) * \rho_2^n(1-\rho_2)\] where \(\rho_1 = \lambda/\mu_1\) and \(\rho_2 = \lambda/\mu_2\).


  • We already know that if the first queue is stationary, then by Burke’s theorem, the departures are again a Poisson process with rate \(\lambda\)

  • Thus what feeds into the second queue is still a Poisson.

  • We already know that the individual expressions correspond to the the stationary distributions of the individual queues

  • Independence follows from the independence assertion is Burke’s theorem.


  • We found the stationary distribution for a M/M/1 queue.

  • We used reversibility to prove Burke’s theorem.

  • We applied Burke’s theorem to two M/M/1 queues in series.

  • See also Question 5


  • For more information see Grimmett and Stirzker (2001).
  • For history on queuing see Kingman (2009).