The law of large numbers

  • We will give a quick review of the law of large numbers
  • Illustrate applications of this theorem via R


  • In probability theory, we define that it means to be the mean.
  • For example, if \(X\) is nonnegative and integer-valued we set \[\mathbb{E} X = \sum_{x\in \mathbb{N}} x \mathbb{P}(X=x).\]
  • What is the justification of the use of the word mean or average?

Some definitions

  • Recall that a countable collection of random variables are independent if every finite subset of them is independent, and they are identical if they have the same distribution.

  • We say that a sequence of random variables \((X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{Z}^+}\) converges almost-surely to a random variable \(X\) if there exists an event \(\Omega'\) with \(\mathbb{P}(\Omega') =1\) such that for every \(\omega \in \Omega'\), we have convergence in the usual pointwise sense: \(X_n(\omega) \to X(\omega)\), as \(n \to \infty\).

The Law of Law of large numbers (almost-sure version)

Let \((X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}}\) be a sequence of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. If \(\mathbb{E} |X_1| < \infty\), then \[ n^{-1}(X_1 + \cdots + X_n) \to \mathbb{E} X_1\] almost-surely.

  • The almost-sure version of the law of large numbers has a somewhat difficult proof.

  • Convergence in the mean-square and in probability is easy.

Convergence in the mean and in probability

  • We say that \(X_n\) converges to \(X\) in the mean-squared if \[ \mathbb{E} | X_n - X|^{2} \to 0\]

  • We say that \(X_n\) coverges to \(X\) in probability if for every \(\epsilon >0\), we have \[\mathbb{P} ( | X_n - X| > \epsilon) \to 0.\]

Law of large numbers (convergence in mean-squared)

Let \((X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}}\) be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables. If \(\mathbb{E} |X_1|^2 < \infty\), then \[ n^{-1}(X_1 + \cdots + X_n) \to \mathbb{E} X_1\] in the mean-squared.


  • Let \(S_n = X_1 + \cdots + X_n\).
  • Note that \(\mathbb{E} S_n = n \mathbb{E} X_1\). We have

\[\mathbb{E} | n^{-1}S_n - \mathbb{E} X_1 |^2 = n^{-2}\mathbb{E} | S_n - n\mathbb{E} X_1 |^2 \] \[= n^{-2}\mathrm{var}(S_n) \] \[ =n^{-2} \sum_{i=1} ^n \mathrm{var}(X_i) \] \[ =n^{-1} \mathrm{var}(X_1) \to 0.\]

Convergence in probability is an easy consequence of Markov’s inequality.

  • Markov’s inequality

    • Let \(X \geq 0\) be a random variable, then for all \(a \geq 0\), we have \[ a^2\mathbb{P} ( X > a ) \leq \mathbb{E} X^2.\]
  • If \(X_n\) converges to \(X\) in the mean-square, then it converges in probability.


Let \(\epsilon >0\). Markov’s inequality gives \[\mathbb{P} (| X_n - X| > \epsilon) \leq \epsilon^{-2} \mathbb{E} | X_n -X|^2 \to 0.\]


  • Let \(g: [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}\) be a continuous function. Let \((X_i)_{i \in \mathbb{Z}^{+]}}\) be independent random variables that are uniformly distributed on the interval \([0,1]\). Show that \[ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1} ^ n g(X_i) \to \int_0 ^1 g(x) dx.\]

Recall that if \(T_n\) is a sequence of estimators for a parameter \(\theta\), then we say that \(T_n\) is consistent if \(T_n \to \theta\) in probability.

  • Show that the usual sample variance is an consistent estimator for the true variance.


  • The law of large numbers gives us another way to compute probabilities.
  • If we want to compute say \(p=\mathbb{P}( Z> 1)\), one way to is to consider i.i.d. random variables with the same law as \(Z\), and consider the count \[ S_n = \mathbf{1}[X_1 >1] + \cdots + \mathbf{1}[X_n >1],\] where \(\mathbf{1}[X_i >1] =1\) if \(X_i >1\) and zero otherwise.
  • The law of large numbers applies
    \[ n^{-1} S_n \to p.\]
  • Thus the average, for large values of \(n\) approximates \(p\).

Enter R

  • In R it is possible to simulate random variables, and thus it is possible to approximates probabilities.
  • In short, we can do most of the exercises of elementary probability by simulation.
  • You could of checked all your homework answers from Stat101.

The hat check problem

  • A professor completely forgets the names and faces of all \(n=20\) students in his class.
  • He randomly hands back their midterms.
  • Let \(p_n\) be the probability that no one receives their own test back.
  • It is known that as \(n \to \infty\) we have \(p_n \to e^{-1}\), and the approximation is quite good for even \(n=20\).
  • Demonstrate this fact with R.


  • Note that with R we can easily generate a random permutation of the 20 papers, as a permutation of 20 numbers.
  • Each random permutation generated by R is considered to be independent.
  • We can check whether a permutation is in-order by defining a function Hand
  • We repeat this experiment (10000 times) with the replicate function and keep score.

R code

inorder = seq(1, 20,1)
Hand <-function(){
x <- sample(20,20, replace=F);
is.element(TRUE, x==inorder)
r <-replicate(10000, Hand())
## [1] 0.3672
## [1] 0.3678794

Boxes and balls

  • A box initially contains \(8\) blue balls and \(4\) red balls.
  • Terry closes his eyes and randomly picks a ball and then follows the following procedure:
    • if it is a blue ball, he puts the blue ball back in, and also adds another blue ball;
    • if it is a red ball, then he removes the red ball from the bin and in addition, removes another red ball.
  • Suppose you did not see what Terry did and close your eyes and pick a ball at random and it is red; then what is the probability that Terry picked a blue ball? Use R.


  • First, we code one iteration of this procedure, which reports the first ball, and the second ball.

  • We will use Bernoulli random variables, whereby zero will mean a blue ball, and one will mean a red ball, has been drawn.

  • Next, we play the game a large number of (independent) times.

  • We also, store as two separate vectors, the outcome of the first pick, and the second pick.

  • We want to count the number of times the second pick resulted in a red ball, and out of those times, the first pick was a blue ball, and then take the ratio.

  • We write a simple loop to accomplish this.

R code

game <-function() {
x = rbinom(1,1, 4/12);
y = rbinom(1,1, 2/10);
if (x==0)
y = rbinom(1,1, 4/13);

z = replicate(10000, game());
F = z[1,]
S = z[2,]

for (i in 1:10000)
if (S[i]==1 && F[i]==0)
br <- br+1
## [1] 2035

## [1] 2731
## [1] 0.7451483

Exercise Uniform random variables

  • Let \((U_i)_{i \in \mathbb{Z} ^+}\) be a sequence of independent random variables that are uniformly distributed in \([0,1]\).
  • Let \[S_n = X_1 + \cdots + X_n.\]
  • Let \[T = \inf\{n \geq 1: S_n >1\}\] so that \(T\) is the first time the sum is greater than \(1\). Use R to compute \(\mathbb{E} T\).
    • You will not be disappointed.

Exercise: Histograms

Carefully explain why plotting a (probability) histogram of some sample data may give an approximation of the probability density function of some random variable.

Exercise: Integration

  • Let \(f(x) = x^2\).
  • Compute \[ \int_0 ^2 f(x)dx\] by appealing to the law of large numbers and running R simulations.


  • We reviewed the law of large numbers
  • We gave some proofs of some basic results.
  • We showed how the law of large numbers can be used in conjunction with R to compute or estimate various probabilities arising from elementary probability theory.

Version: 4 October 2020