Let \(G_n \sim \mathcal{G}(n,p_n)\). We want to study the connectivity of \(G_n\), as \(n \to \infty\). It turns out that if \(p\) is fixed the problems are not as interesting and we will consider \(p_n \to 0\). Recall that a graph is connected if for every two vertices \(v, u\) there exists a sequence \(v=v_0, v_1, \ldots, v_n = u\) such that \( \left\{ {v_i, v_{i+1}} \right\} \) is an edge. A vertex \(v\) is isolated if it has no neighbours.
Lemma 1.1 Fix \(p \in (0,1)\). If \(G_n \sim \mathcal{G}(n,p)\), then \[\mathbb{P}(G_n \text{ is connected} ) \to 1\]
as \(n \to \infty\).We can strengthen this result as follows.
Proof. We have \[X_n = \sum \mathbf{1}[T_n^{u,v} =0],\] so that \[\begin{eqnarray*} {\mathbb E}X_n &=& \sum {\mathbb E}T_n^{u,v} \\ &=& \sum {\mathbb P}(T_n^{u,v} =0) \\ &=& {n \choose 2} (1-p^2)^{n-2} \to 0 \end{eqnarray*}\] Since Markov’s inequality gives \[ {\mathbb P}(X_n \geq 1) \leq {\mathbb E}X_n\] we deduce that \({\mathbb P}(X_n =0) \to 1\), as desired.
The use of Markov’s inequality above is sometimes referred to as a first moment method.
Theorem 1.1 (Erdos-Renyi connectivity) Let \(c \in {\mathbb R}\). Let \(p_n = (\log n)/n + c/n\). Let \(G_n \sim \mathcal{G}(n,p_n)\). Then
\[ \mathbb{P}(G_n \text{ is connected} ) \to e^{-e^{-c}}.\]
Moreover, if \(X_n\) is the number of isolated points in \(G_n\), then it converges in distribution to a Poisson random variable.
We will not prove this lemma. Note that \(F^1 = {\mathbb E}W_n\) and in the simple case that the \(X_i\) are independent, where we know the lemma holds, we have that \[F^r = p_n^r {n \choose r} = \frac{n(n-1) \cdots (n-r+1) p_n^r}{r!} \to \lambda^r/r!.\]
Proof ( Sketch proof of Erdos-Renyi connectivity). Let \(G_n \sim \mathcal{G}(n,p_n)\). For each vertex \(v\), let \(X_v = \mathbf{1}[\text{v is isolated}]\) and
\[ W_n = \sum X_v.\]
Note that for \(n\) large, \(p_n\) is small, so that from the power series for \(\log(1-x)\) we have
\[\log \Big( ne^{-c}{\mathbb E}(W_n) \Big) = 0\]
so that
\[ {\mathbb E}(W_n) \sim e^{-c} /n\]
Given \(r\) distinct vertices, \(v_1, \ldots, v_r\), we can easily compute that \[\begin{eqnarray*} {\mathbb E}[X_{v_1} \cdots X_{v_n}] &=& {\mathbb P}( \text{ all the vertices $v_1, \ldots, v_r$ are isolated} )\\ &=& (1-p_n)^{ r(n-1) - {r \choose 2}}. \end{eqnarray*}\] Hence \[{n \choose r} (1-p_n)^{ r(n-1) - {r \choose 2}} \to \frac{(e^{-c})^r}{r!}.\]
Thus the number of isolated vertices converges to a Poisson random variable with mean \(e^{-c}\). Now we need to make an argument that in the limit, if there are no isolated vertics, then the graph is connected, which is of course not true for graphs in general.With this theorem in hand, it is not hard to believe that if \(p_n = \lambda \frac{\log n}{n}\), and if \(\lambda >1\), then in the limit, the Erdos-Renyi random graph will certainly be connected, and if \(\lambda < 1\), then it will have isolated vertics and will not be connected.
One might ask how we can simulate a Erdos-Renyi random graph. While R has many fancy packages that will do this for us, and probably more efficiently, let us play with it ourselves. Let us assume that a graph has vertices \(V = \left\{ {1, \ldots, n} \right\} \) Given a graph \(G = (V, E)\), we say that the adjacency matrix is given the zero-one matrix, where \(a_{ij} = 1\) if \( \left\{ {i, j} \right\} \in E\) and \(a_{ij} = 0\) otherwise. The adjacency matrix contains all the information about the graph; notice that is symmetric, and we do not allow for self-loops. Thus an realization of an Erdos-Renyi random graph is just the simulation of \({n \choose 2}\) Bernoulli random variables.
er <-function(x){
n = x[1]
p = x[2]
A = matrix(0, n,n)
for(i in 1:(n-1)){
x= replicate(i, 0)
A[i,] <- c(x, rbinom(n-i, 1, p))
A <- A + t(A)
One way to check if a graph is connected, is to start at a vertex, say \(1\), and explore the graph, and see if you reach all the vertices.
explore <- function(G){
n = dim(G)[1]
bag = which(G[1,]!=0)
storage <- bag
L = length(storage)
while(L > 0 & length(bag)<n ){
level <-storage
oldbag <-bag
for( i in 1:L){
storage <- c( storage, which(G[level[i], ]!=0 ))
bag <- c(bag, storage)
bag <- bag[!duplicated(bag)]
L<- length(storage)
sum( length(bag)==n)
Now we can test one of claimed conjectures:
p= 0.5 * log(n) / n
x=replicate( 75, explore( er(c(n, p ) )) )
## [1] 0
p= 1.5 * log(n) / n
x=replicate( 75, explore( er(c(n, p ) )) )
## [1] 0.88
Ten lectures on the probabilistic method, Joel Spencer
Graph theory, Reinhard Diestel
Erdos-Renyi random graphs may not be a good model for many social networks that you may be interested in. For more information see this link.